Friday, May 31, 2019
Essay --
Effective Virtual LeadershipJosh HensonShorter UniversityEFFECTIVE VIRTUAL LEADERSHIPTwenty first century expert advances in communication have broken down almost all of the physical barriers to communication in the world today. Today a person depose communicate with almost anyone in the world at any time. Leaders in todays workplace face new advantages and new challenges when it comes to advances in communication. The traditional workplace is changing as the virtual workplace expands. Research indicates that one of the biggest challenges to companies today is finding attractors with the skills to thrive in a thickening and changing world (Dennis, Meola, Hall, 2013). Leaders of today need to be able to reach across differing cultures, many time zones, and they need to collaborate and build alliances across geographic distances (Dennis et al., 2013). Leaders today need to have a global mindset which includes operating from multiple sites, directing workers at multiple loc ations and working with clients in different geographic areas (Dennis et al., 2013). In a recent study by entitled Virtual Leadership Going the distance to manage your team, a play along of five hundred and five managers found that ninety-nine percent responds affirmatively when asked if their employer provides some employees to opportunity to work virtually (Mandzuk, 2014). A virtual workforce is described as any team whose members are not all physically under the same roof, as long as the participants have complementary skills and knowledge that adopt greater value when they work together than if they worked separately. A virtual team tush be local, national, or global, with members from one firm or many. Teams can be made up of full-time... ...dgment. According to the name qualitative judgment is the ability to formulate and select the right options (You cant be a wimp, 2013). qualitative judgment involves moving from the big picture down to the concrete, devel oping a diverse and trustworthy social network, and thinking through second and third regularise consequences ( You cant be a wimp, 2013). Qualitative judgment is the second quality of a great leader.The third quality of a great leader is credibility. The lack of credibility will keep your ideas from ever being accepted in the company (You can be a wimp, 2013). Credibility according the article is gain by listening to diverse and contradictory views, building support from the board, employees and outside constituents, and having the courage to make the best decision for the company despite its popularity (You cant be a wimp, 2013).
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Essays --
Ernest Hemingway uses the various events in Nick Adams life to expose the reader to the themes of youth, loss, and death throughout his novel In Our Time. Youth very much plays its part in war, and since In Our Time relates itself very frequently to war throughout it is not a surprise that the theme of youthful innocence arises in many of the stories. In Indian Camp the youthful innocence is shown in the last sentence of the story In the early morning on the lake academic session in the stern of the boat with his father rowing, he felt quite sure that he would never die. (19) When this sentence and the conversation Nick and his father permit before they get on the boat are combined in thought it shows that because of Nicks age at the time that he does not yet run into the concept of death. Throughout the book youth has a complicated relationship with aging. This can be seen in Three-Day Blow when Nick and Bill are drinking, performing childish and just having fun. They talk about each others fathers and about missed opportunities even though they cannot really understand what they are...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
death penalty Essay -- essays research papers
Death PenaltyIntroduction Informed arguments against the death penalty be more persuasive than arguments in favor of it, as the negative affects of the death penalty have become widely publicized and illustrate the ineffectiveness of this merciless punishment. The death penalty is an inefficient form of punishment as innocent offenders may be executed, superior forms of restitution are available, and it fails to deter abomination, all of which provide to informed arguments against it. DeterrenceThe primary function of the death penalty is to act as deterrence, yet evidence has indicted that this cruel punishment has failed to deter crime. In pursuant(predicate) whatsoever punishment can be an effective deterrent only if it is consistently and promptly employed. The death penalty cannot be administered to meet these conditions as it is never consistent or employed correctly. Only a small proportion of first-degree murderers are sentenced to death, and even fewer are executed. Th e death penalty fails to deter because it is an inconsistent punishment, which permits offenders to conceptualize that the punishment will not be applied.Premeditated Persons who commit murder and other crimes of personal violence either premeditate them or they do not. If the crime is premeditated, the criminal ordinarily concentrates on escaping detection, arrest, and conviction. The threat of even the severest punishment will not deter those who expect to...
Dreams And Dreaming :: essays research papers
Dreams and Dreaming&8220 To write something and leave it behing us, It is but a dream When we wind up we know There is not even anyone to read itZen Master IkkyuWE dream during a state of sleep called REM sleep. It is know that theta rythems sent from thehippocampus, which regularize if something is of essential value to the brain, are presesnt during REM sleep. Whichsupports the idea that dreaming is connected to learning and that dreams are very important to the growing process.Sleep is set in cycles, each containing four stagesSTAGE 1 Light sleep begins- thata waves STAGE 2 Light sleep continues- spindles and K complexesSTAGE 3 The onset of latterly sleep- K complexes and deltaSTAGE 4 Very deep sleep- delta wavesThe head start cycle is roughly 90 minutes. The brain decends through all four stages, and then acends bunsthrough them, but on the way up REM sleep is experienced at stage 1. This REM period lasts about 10 minutesAfterthe first cycle the delta sleep may no occur a t all. the brain will cycle through stage 1 and 2. As the night goes on theproportion of REM to NON- REM increase, so by the end of the night you may dream for as much as 1 of the last 2hours of sleep. Though for some of us we still sleep deeply even to the wee hours of the morning. The &8220deepsleepers Thus light sleeper are more liable(predicate) able to remember dreams. The Menangkabau tribes of Indonesia believe that the real life force, the sumanghat, actually leaves the bodyin both dreams and serious illness. The shaman, or Dukun, must project his conciousnes into the realm of dreams inorder to placate or harry the malicious malignant spirits who are hostile to the subjectDreamtime of the Aboriginees is a primal state which embraces the creation of the populace at the very dawn ofour time. It is the realm of the mythical beings who fist breathed life onto the universe.. Their culture extends backover 40,000 years, the oldest spiritual culture of the world. The Shaman is kno wn as the Karadji.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Predictions on the Highest and Lowest Achievers in an Elementary School Class :: Teaching Education
Predictions on the Highest and Lowest Achievers in an Elementary School Class The amplyest victors and the lowest achievers in an elementary rank can sometimes be treated differently because of their achievement levels. Without even knowing the class very well it can be determined who in the class is more than likely to be a higher(prenominal) achiever and who is not as gifted. Even though it is evident sometimes who is the least and highest achievers a great view of the time the best achievers can be overlooked if you simply watch a class for an hour. One student who I picked out, as a high achiever was a boy named Travis. Travis performed above average in gym class and was overall a better athlete and competitor than the other students in the class. This overall fitness made me consider him to be a student who was a higher achiever. Since he was better at athletics then I reasoned that he might be better at other aspects of school besides athletics. Travis also ex hibited math skills by beating the rest of the class consistently in the math assignments that where done during the class as well as having the right answers. Another student that I considered a high achiever based on my observations was a boy named James. James was well dressed, wearing church type clothes. He was also an outgoing a generally cheerful kid who didnt seem to mind being in school or in the class. The happiness that he exhibits gives you the feeling that he must be a high achiever because if he was un ingenious about the situation than he would not try as hard. However, since he does seem to be happy then he would try his best and be enthusiastic about learning. The last student that I picked out as someone who is a higher achiever is a girl who pays attention very well and seems to follow the teachers line of thought throughout the class. As well as paying attention and participation in class this girl, Jackie, asked an insightful question that needed to be asked. The question pertained to a fundraising activity and Jackie asked for the teacher to clarify a certain aspect that could be interpreted in a number of different ways.
Predictions on the Highest and Lowest Achievers in an Elementary School Class :: Teaching Education
Predictions on the Highest and Lowest Achievers in an Elementary School Class The highest achievers and the last-place achievers in an elementary class fire sometimes be treated differently because of their achievement levels. Without even knowing the class very well it can be determined who in the class is more likely to be a higher achiever and who is not as gifted. Even though it is straightforward sometimes who is the least and highest achievers a great deal of the time the best achievers can be overlooked if you simply watch a class for an hour. nonpareil student who I picked out, as a high achiever was a boy named Travis. Travis performed above average in gym class and was overall a better athlete and competitor than the other students in the class. This overall fitness made me consider him to be a student who was a higher achiever. Since he was better at athletics then I reasoned that he might be better at other aspects of school besides athletics. Travis alik e exhibited math skills by beating the rest of the class consistently in the math assignments that where done during the class as well as having the right answers. some other student that I considered a high achiever based on my observations was a boy named James. James was well dressed, wearing church type clothes. He was also an outgoing a generally happy kid who didnt seem to mind being in school or in the class. The rapture that he exhibits gives you the feeling that he must be a high achiever because if he was unhappy about the situation than he would not feat as hard. However, since he does seem to be happy then he would try his best and be enthusiastic about learning. The last student that I picked out as someone who is a higher achiever is a girl who pays attention very well and seems to follow the teachers bank line of thought throughout the class. As well as paying attention and participation in class this girl, Jackie, asked an insightful inquiry that n eeded to be asked. The question pertained to a fundraising activity and Jackie asked for the teacher to clarify a certain aspect that could be interpreted in a number of different ways.
Monday, May 27, 2019
A Study on the Interpretation of Dreams
Interpreting ambitions has been a subject of interest for thousands of years. There fuck off been some(prenominal) theories formed by top scientists and psychologists, but dreams still remain a mystery. There atomic number 18 websites all over the Internet that promise to decode dreams in just a few easy steps, but most of those are for fun and entertainment.What do professionals puzzle to say rough the interpretation of dreams? That is the question this piece seeks to answer. As with any somewhat scientific subject, there are as many answers as questions. The writer will start with the earliest information about dreams, and explain the prevalent theories, both past and present, about dream interpretation.Dreams have been fascinating wad for as long as there have been mickle on the Earth. The very first mention of a dream comes from ancient Babylon, around the year 3000 B.C. (Biele and Piotrowski, 1986).The dream is only mentioned in passing on a stela carved to commemorate a great achievement by a God-fearing man, but the fact that it was mentioned at all gives us an report of how important dreams were to the ancients (Biele and Piotrowski, 1986). People made consulting dreams before taking any action a regular part of life up to the 16th Century, A.D., and no interrogative many people still follow the practice (Biele and Piotrowski, 1986).Perhaps the two most noted dream interpreters were Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. Freud wrote his book, The Interpretation of Dreams , in 1955, and it immediately caused a stir. Freud asserted that, the scientific theories of dreams leave no room for any problem of interpreting them, since in their view a dream is not a mental act at all . . . (p.96).He highly disagreed with the idea that dreams meant nothing. He did not agree with the ideas of dreams being interpreted symbolically or by decoding (Freud, 1955, p. 96-97). Instead, he claimed to have bring a scientific method to interpreting dreams (Freud, 1955, p. 100).Freud explained that he had attempted to unravel . . . hysterical phobias, obsessional ideas, and so on for years (p. 100). He finally came upon the plan that if a dream can be inserted into the psychical chain than the dream could be treated as a symptom (Freud, 1955, p. 101). Freud intendd that interpreting dreams in a scientific way would reveal the true problem troubling the patient. The problem could then be treated, and the person would become well (Freud, 1955).Common knowledge of Freud includes the fact that he believed that dreams had to do with unconscious sexual and aggressive wishes and fantasies unacceptable to the conscious ego (Marszalek and Myers, 2006, p. 18) Carl Jung agreed that some dreams could have those implications, but not all (Marszalek and Myers, 2006). He believed that dreams were not just disguises for unmentionable feelings, but they were also metaphors and showed creativity and individualization (Marszalek and Myers, 2006, p. 19). Jung found sev en archetypes that seem to appear in every culture throughout metre ( few of these are the Persona, or the person you show to others, the Shadow, or things you do not like about yourself, and the Divine Child, you as your true self ( Jungs ideas have proven very helpful in some forms of counseling therapy because they allow a person to make sense of their dreams and often realize what is understructure their problems (Marszalek and Myers, 2006, p.22).Not everyone believes that dreams really mean anything, but most health professionals agree that dreams are very beneficial to people (Waters, 2002). For example, they can reveal hidden anxiety, help merge memories, regulate moods, and help to process emotions (Waters, 2002).One physician notes that major depressives often have a hard time in the morning because their dreams were inadequate to solve their problems (Waters, 2002). Dreams are a time for reflection . . . and creativity (Waters, 2002). Ho wever, many physicians warn against getting carried away with interpreting dreams, as not every dream is going to have a practical function (Waters, 2002).However, some lay people do not agree with that assessment. has several articles written by Dave Lappin, a self-appointed dream interpreter. Lappin believes that dreams speak to us on a spiritual level because we are spiritual beings (2006).Dreams hold the key to a vast storehouse of knowledge (Lappin, 2006). If we bear on having the same dream over and over, it is because we have not fully understood the dream message and used it in our waking state (Lappin, 2006). For Lappin, and those like him, dreams ceaselessly have a purpose and information for the dreamer.The book, Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them, is something of a middle ground between believing all dreams have messages and no dreams have messages. For the authors, ordinary dreams simply reflect daily experiences. Extraordinary d reams, however, have many functions.They can be telepathic, clairvoyant, and precognitive, and some can even be out of body, lucid, and remove a past life or a visitation (Bogzaran, Krippner, and Percia de Carvalho, 2002). These studies show the cultural differences between groups of people. Many people from other countries and cultures were involved in the studies, and age they have ordinary dreams, they also have fantastic dreams that most modern cultures would be quick to dismiss.The concept of interpreting dreams runs the gamut from no dream being peculiarly special to dreams directing our lives. It is difficult to determine what theory, if any, is correct. The truth is that we do dream, and we do often see and act out strange things in our dreams. We see people we have not seen in years, and we work out problems. We dream of ordinary things, and we dream of flying.Perhaps dreams are what a person makes of them. There is no need to believe that every dream will have an earths hattering message, but if a dream comforts a person or stirs them to act, that is all the better. In the end, your dream locomote under your own interpretation. Your interpretation is better than what anyone else can give to you, for only you know your true self.AbstractInterpreting dreams has been of great interest to people for thousands of years. Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung are known as two of the authorities on interpreting dreams, even though they have different ideas on the interpretations.Many medical practitioners see great mental benefits from dreaming, but they oversight people to not get too wrapped up in analyzing dreams. Other people take note of their dreams constantly and model their lives around them. several(predicate) cultures have different ideas of what is normal in a dream, but in the end we must decide what is normal for ourselves. Regardless of all the information blow about, only we know ourselves well enough to know what our dreams really mean to us.Refe rence PageBiele, A. and Piotrowski, Z. (1986) Dreams a key to self knowledge. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates unsanded Jersey.Bogzaran, F., Krippner, S., and Percia de Carvalho. (2002) Extraordinary dreams and how to work with them. State University of New York Press New Carl jungs archetypes. http// Accessed September 14, 2006.Lappin, Dave. (2006) The spirituality of dreams. http// Accessed September 14, 2006.Freud, Sigmund. (1955) The interpretation of dreams. Basic Books New York.Marszalek, J. and Myers, J. (2006) Dream interpretation a developmental counseling and therapy approach. journal of Mental Health Counseling. 281, pgs. 18-30.Waters, J. (7/23/2002) Why do we dream? experts differ on the meaning. The Washington Times B 01.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
The Importance Of A Safe And Healthy School Education Essay
For more than twenty old ages, research workers and pedagogues have indicated the importance of a safe and healthy discipline environment in furthering academic accomplishment ( Luiselli, Putnam, Handler, & A Feinberg, 2005 Hymel, Schonert-Reichl, & A Miller, 2006 ) . indoctrinates argon the most consequential socialisation force next to the household and it is in check day where kids form sexual congressships which becharm societal and academic results ( Wentzel & A Looney, 2007 ) . It has been suggested in assorted surveies that a supportive and caring direct environment optimizes the academic results of schoolchilds ( Nakamoto, 2008 Beran, 2003 ) . Caring and supportive school environments sack merely happen when the socialisation throws and human relationships of learners feature credence, tolerance, and regard from both instructors and co-students.To kids, friendly relationships be considered a important facet of development. As they mature and develop, kids a re advance and expected to hold friends to give them a sense of credence and belonging. Without these match dealingss, kids become vulnerable to adjustment troubles which passel ensue to low self-esteem, anxiousness, solitariness, and depression. Unfortunately, non all kids are able to hold healthy equal dealingss in the class of their academic experience. The absence of equal dealingss or holding debatable equal dealingss makes kids susceptible to victimization. Children who are frequently bullied in school are those who have few friends. They are prone to Acts of the Apostless of bullying or aggression from their equals. The deficiency of equal support and a safe school environment consequences to depression, anxiousness, and in utmost instances, self-destruction ( Rigby, 2000 ) .Bullying as a serious national issue emerged after the Columbine shots in 1999. Since so, strong-arming has become a critical populace policy issue and to day of the month, 43 provinces have adopted an tibullying Torahs to protect and safeguard the rights of kids from aggressive and violent Acts of the Apostless of their equals ( Anti-Defamation group discussion ADL , 2010 ) . In the yesteryear, the occupation of disincentive was an unfastened secret that was seldom discussed, much less addressed by school functionaries and the community. Educators and parents by and large regarded it as a rite of transition which kids necessarily undergo as portion of the socialisation procedure. Public functionaries and school governments have lobbied for steps to advance safe and healthy school environments and there have been consequences from some intercessions to cut down intimidation. However, strong-arming remains a outstanding issue until today. Recently, the instance of the college fresher Tyler Clementi who was cyberbullied until he jumped off the George Washington straddle and high school pupil Phoebe Prince who committed self-destruction after being infinitely bullied by her eq uals in a Massachusetts general school has confirmed that the battle to set an terminal to victimization in schools has a long manner to travel.Bullying is a chronic job in American schools. Nine out of 10 simple pupils have been bullied by their equals, harmonizing to a simple questionnaire developed by research workers at Lucile Packard Children s Hospital ( 2007 ) and the Stanford University tame of Medicine ( Medical News Today, 2007 ) . In the last 15 old ages, much attending has been move on the issue of strong-arming in schools both in the United States and in other parts of the universe. States like Norway, Sweden, Japan, and Australia have been at the centre of attending on issues related to strong-arming ( Green, 2007 ) . In the United States, many cerebrate that intimidation is nil more than a childhood rite. School intimidation is now accepted as a type of ill will that can hold durable mental effects for pupils that are both victims and culprits ( Green, 2007 ) . Cl early, school intimidation has become a prevailing quandary that interrupts the societal dealingss between pupils, detr performs from the electropositive quality of schoolroom experiences, and hinders pupils chances to larn.Bullying is a menace non merely to a safe and healthy school environment but to kids s academic results any bit good. Ideally, schools provide a wider societal context for kids to develop from their early socialisation experiences within the buttocks. As a effect, kids s societal and emotional experience influences their cognitive development. Furthermore, schools allow pupils to see and larn new things which are critical to their keen-sighted development. If the school does non supply such an environment, kids may see societal and rational troubles ( Eccles et al. , 1999 ) . What raises serious concern among the educational community is the determination that intimidation may hold a negative influence in academic accomplishment of pupils. bionomical theor etical accounts of school accomplishment suggest that school results of kids are influenced by the quality of interactions they have with equals, parents, instructors, and other persons ( Broussard & A Garrison, 2004 ) . Hence, the chronic job of intimidation may discourage kids from experience their full rational development. Childs who are often victimized by their equals whether physically, verbally, or psychologically may endure from larning disengagement low outlook of success, and accordingly, execute ill on school assignment and accomplishment trials.Particularly relevant to the present survey is research showing important links between school intimidation and academic public presentation ( e.g. , Buhs, Ladd, & A Herald, 2006 Juvonen, Nishina, & A Graham, 2000 Schwartz, Farver, Chang, & A Lee-Shin, 2002 ) . Students who are victimized by equals are likely to show deplorable academic public presentation ( Buhs et al. , 2006 Juvonen et al. , 2000 Konishi & A Li, 2006 Nishina, Juvonen, & A Witkow, 2005 Schwartz et al. , 2002 Schwartz, Gorman, Nakamoto, & A Toblin, 2005 ) , as are kids who bully others ( Pereira, Mendonca, Neto, Valente, & A Smith, 2004 ) , consistent with statements that childrenaYs societal experiences at school impress their academic public presentation ( see Hymel et al. , 2006 Weissberg & A Durlak, 2005 ) . Not all surveies have demonstrated such associations, nevertheless. Hanish and Guerra ( 2002 ) failed to happen a relationship between equal victimization and accomplishment and Woods and Wolke ( 2004 ) found that accomplishment was significantly linked to relational but non direct signifiers of victimization.Since the 1970s, the public schools in America have been placed under the microscope and answerability in all countries has been demanded. Parents are familiar with issues of proving and installation asylum, but an extra country that has been brought to the head of the state s attending is that of pupil saf ety. One specific country of important concern has been the issue of strong-arming and the deductions that student behavior can hold on the safety and security of all pupils. Teachers attend the degrees of influence and acknowledge the power of the household, the community, and the popular civilization to act upon behaviour. What they frequently do non understand is the extent or bound of their domain of influence. When instructors are asked to place hazard factors for the development of intimidation, they by and large rank the household and cultural factors such as tele tossing movies, and pop music as holding the strongest repair on kids s development of strong-arming behaviours. When instructors are asked to bespeak which factors they can act upon, they recognize for the most portion, that their influence is limited to the schoolroom and school environment. Teachers are boost to concentrate their energy and resources on altering the countries within their domain of influence, that is, the schoolroom and the school.A figure of factors have been identified as lending to pupils sense of safety and belonging at school, but less research has examined the grade to which these factors really impact school public presentation. The present survey examined the function of two school clime factors in footings of their consequence on pupil accomplishment in math and reading.Although enlightening, these surveies focus merely on the person or pupil degree, non fetching into history the school degree bunch of pupils. There is a famine of research sing the impact of strong-arming at the school degree in relation to academic public presentation. At the school degree, both strong-arming and teacher-student dealingss are, in kernel, facets of school clime that reflect an overall degree of tolerance for negative interpersonal interactions. As such, both represent school-level factors that can impact academic public presentation. To our cognition, there are no empirical sur veies analyzing relationships between school clime, as reflected in account intimidation and teacher-student dealingss, and single studentsaY accomplishment. Consequently, in the present survey, we assessed the linkage between academic accomplishment and intimidation at the school degree utilizing a multilevel analysis technique that allowed us to besides see the possible buffering consequence of positive teacher-student dealingss.Specifically, the present survey addressed ( a ) whether studentsaY academic public presentation is related to the schoolaYs strong-arming clime ( e.g. , Do pupils in schools that have a batch of strong-arming demonstrate poorer academic public presentation? ) , and ( B ) whether student-teacher connection influences the bullying-achievement relationship ( e.g. , Do pupils who enjoy positive connection with instructors show positive academic accomplishment despite high degrees of strong-arming in their schools? ) . Sexual activity differences were besides explored.Statement of the ProblemThe job of intimidation has existed since the beginning of clip. The issue of pupil safety in schools as it relates to school-yard intimidation, nevertheless, was brought to the head of the American populace with the calamities at Columbine, Jonesboro, Conyers, and Paducah. The job continues and has been aggravated by the approach of the cyber strong-arming possible. Young people s lives have been impacted for their full hereafter by apparently mindless childhood Acts of the Apostless. Small research exists today on the perceptual experience of public school decision makers in Missouri with respect to strong-arming being a job in their school. In order to flake to the job of the school-yard bully, we must foremost analyze the attitudes and head sets of the work forces and adult females in charge of educating and protecting our immature people during the school twenty-four hours. beforehand realistic stairss can be taken by decision makers in batt ling school toughs, one must first understand and acknowledge that intimidation is a job. Research reveals that there are so physical, psychological, and emotional jobs exhibited by the victims of strong-arming while go toing school, but old research has made a weak military campaign to decently link the emotions of the victims with the ability to larn while at school. ( Kumpulainen, K. , & A Rasanen, E. , 2000 ) Although intimidation is an age old job in America, gender besides plays a major function in the types and features of strong-arming at school ( Crick & A Grotpeter, 1995 ) . Female and male striplings have a inclination to move and respond other than under the force per unit area of a school bully. Traditional signifiers of intimidation still take topographic luff throughout schoolrooms and play evidences of American public schools, but in today s universe we are now threatened with an even more powerful and perchance more psychologically detrimental signifier of intim idation, which is normally referred to as cyber intimidation .Purpose of the StudyThis qualitative instance survey research is an scrutiny of the perceptual experiences of school round on intimidation and its impact on academic accomplishment. The participants of this survey will include 10 simple class instructors and 5 counsel counsellors of schools belonging to the South Georgia School District. Participants will be chosen through random sampling. Informant interviews will be the primary informations assemblage method to be triangulated with secondary informations beginnings such as school records, studies, accomplishment trials, and other pertinent paperss which may be used to verify and supplement the literature reappraisal for a more thorough intercession of the findings. Data will be analyzed through the qualitative content analysis method.Research QuestionsThe cardinal inquiry addressed in this survey is How does the school staff perceive intimidation and its relationshi p with academic accomplishment in simple class pupils? The undermentioned research inquiries guide this thesisQ1. How do instructors and school psychologists of a South Georgia School District define intimidation?Q2. From the point of position of school staff, what types of intimidation behaviours are prevailing in their several schools?Q3. How does strong-arming act upon the academic results of both bully and victim?Q4. What are their functions and competences in run toing intimidation in the school environment?Q5. How can instructors and decision makers help turn to school intimidation?Restrictions and Boundary linesThis research narrowly evaluates the perceptual experiences of school staff from public simple schools within the South George School District. This research specifically addresses the factors that contribute to strong-arming inside the school premises, the type of strong-arming the instructors observed, and most significantly how intimidation affected the academic pu blic presentation of the victims and culprits.Definition of Key FootingsSchool Achievement is a pupil s comprehension of peculiar information and proficiency with specific accomplishments.Bully refers to person who uses physical or verbal aggression on something of a stiff footing against other immature people. Normally, toughs are found to be stronger, bigger, and more aggressive than their equals and victims.Strong-arming refers to Acts of the Apostless which are comprised of direct behaviours such as tease, teasing, endangering, striking, and stealing that are initiated by one or more pupils against a victim. In add-on to direct onslaughts, intimidation may besides be more indirect by doing a pupil to be socially isolated through knowing exclusion.Victim of strong-arming are typically dying, insecure, cautious, and suffer from low self-pride, seldom supporting themselves or revenging when confronted by pupils who bully them. They may miss societal accomplishments and friends, an d they are frequently socially isolated.VictimizationSchool StaffImportance of the StudyThe intent of this survey was to find if there was a perceptual experience that existed or did non be within the ranks of Missouri public school decision makers and pupils of Missouri public schools refering the country of strong-arming among adolescent-age kids. If is the survey revealed that strong-arming in fact existed in public schools in Missouri, what was the impact for the victims of such Acts of the Apostless on their academic accomplishment? If intimidation is determined as a job in schools, do male and female striplings pursue in strong-arming every bit and by utilizing the same methods? Another cardinal constituent of this survey is to place what, if any, schools policies presently are in topographic point in public schools in Missouri and the possible demand to make and follow extra policies in order to protect the victims of strong-arming. Although this survey could be viewed as a qualitative survey, the research worker has chosen to analyse the informations and develop decisions based on the responses of perceptual experiences, academic accomplishment, and policies that are presently found in the questionnaires and studies. This was a descriptive research with the intent of puting a foundation for farther research in specific countries identified as holding possible important impact on pupil public presentation and educator-preparation plans. The end of the survey is to offer through empirical observation researched, educated suggestions and replies sing what and how to make and experience policies covering with all signifiers of intimidation. It is the purpose of the research worker that this information, one time analyzed and dissected, will be a meaningful tool to any school territory in the province of Missouri and around the United States in the country of school policies. It is the premiss of the research worker that this survey will cast new visible radiation on the issues of electronic devices, their usage at school, and the impact that those devices have on the acquisition procedure.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Party influence in Congress Essay
The decline of party strength and influence began in the 19th century, partly due to the growth of the federal government under FDR whose immature Deal establishment served to undermine traditional social functions once carried out by party machines, thus weakening party loyalty. In the 1960s and mid-seventies new issues such as civil rights, feminism, environmentalism and consumer rights arose to challenge traditional voting habits. These issues did not divide neatly along party lines and more voters indulged in ticket-splitting (voting for incompatible parties in different elections). Partly in response to these trends, the parties themselves began to question their own policies and challenge their leaders.In relation, reforms democratized or opened up woof procedures to broader participation. Senior members effectuate themselves surrendering committee chairmanships to unknown newcomers. Whips found it harder to enforce party discipline and junior members increasingly pursued their own personal projects to gain media attention and impress their constituency voters. Congress members fox much to gain, in publicity and in tangible rewards (grants for their constituencies) from unpredictable behavior.The effect upon presidential influence in Congress has been destructive. President Carter struggled to pass bills done a House and Senate controlled by his own party. President Reagans early successes were largely due to Democrat Boll Weevil defections. President Clinton has likewise been unable to rely upon steadfast party support, particularly for his anti-crime legislation and Healthcare Reform bill. Congress has been split by the new individualism of its members.The rise of the primary in presidential selection was another method used to open up the political system and weaken party influence. Primaries allow voters a direct say in the plectron of the partys standard bearer in the presidential election. However, they enable candidates to hijack the party nomination for president by assembling teams of consultants, lawyers, financiers and media advisers, many of whom have no party affiliation and no loyalty or goal beyond the victory of their chosen leader.The victorious candidates sometimes lack any have intercourse of government at the nationallevel. Modern presidents, facing a fragmented Congress, aggressive pressure groups and a skeptical media, cannot afford the luxury of limited experience. Unfortunately, the novel election system tends to favor those candidates who are effective campaigners rather than those who may be effective administrators. Given these difficulties, it is not surprising that recent Presidents have appeared to struggle. The cementum of practical experience, party loyalty and common cause is too often thin or nonexistent at both ends.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Outlook Towards Maintenance of Liquid Assets to Ensure
How to maintenance of liquid assets to en positive(predicate) frm has adequate cash? Asking the above-referenced question without statistics makes it impossible for anyone to crock up you a proper answer. Generally speaking, you must limit expenses and ensure that some of your assets are in the form of short terminal figure assets. The higher your short term assets and the less your short term debt, the better your ability to pay the debt (short term liquidity ratio / liquidity ratio help you determine this). There is no perfect number or ratio for every firm. Each industry/ pedigree is unique.Strive to control debt (some debt is very good since it helps a business grow) and to maintain exuberant assets in the form of cash and cash equivalents Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975 Maintenance of liquid assets (1) Every company shall, forward the 30th day of April of each year, deposit or invest, as the case may be, a sum which shall not be less than 23fifteen per cent of the amount of its deposits maturing during the year ending on the 31st day of March next following in any one or more of the following methods, namely a) in a current or other deposit report with any scheduled bank, free charge of lien (b) in unmortgaged securities of the Central Government or of any State Government (c) in unencumbered securities mentioned in clauses (a) to (d) and (ee) of section 20 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 (2 of 1882) 24(d) in unencumbered bonds issued by the Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited, Bombay, a company incorporated below the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956), and notified under clause (f) of section 20 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 (2 of 1882) 5Provided that with relation to the deposits maturing during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1979, the sum required to be deposited or invested under this sub-rule shall be deposited or invested before the 2630th day of September, 1978. Explanation. For the purpose of this sub-ru le, the securities referred to in clause (b) or clause (c) shall be reckoned at their market value. 2) The amount deposited or invested, as the case may be, under sub-rule (1), shall not be utilized for any purpose other than for the repayment of deposits maturing during the year referred to in that sub-rule, provided that the amount rest deposited or invested, as the case may be, shall not at any time fall below 23fifteen per cent of the amount of deposits maturing until the 31st day of March of that year. Maintainence of fluidity in Business One of the principal aims of a Manager is the maintenance of liquid assets.Maintenance of liquid assets connotes that the firm always has enough cash in generate to pay for 1. Recurring Expenses 2. To make unexpected large purchases 3. To meet emergencies at all times The best way to maintain a cash ladder is to prevent overdue accounts and avert a blockage in the inflow of income. The ideal way to do this would be avoiding doing business with customers who have proven ruinous credit histories however, on the other hand rigid customer policies limiting the firms business with companies having only irreproachable credit records would deplete the firms pool of potential customers.With the oversight looking at expanding the business it becomes necessary to do business with most people who want to do business with you. The reality of a growing business is that the biggest and best clients also want sufficient billing period and then ask for deuce months time for making payments. Here is where the Manager is caught between two horns. While the firm does not want to lose clients or destroy any potential or established business relationships by laying drop harsh payment terms, it is also necessary for the Manager to take some control of accounts receivable to avoid causing chaos with the cash flow.Expansion of business requires address of credit and when a firm extends credit, it is in effect loaning customers money, w hich in turn affects liquidity as any company wants to be reasonably sure that the money will be paid back. The primary step towards maintenance of liquid assets therefore commences with verification of customer credit worthiness. Certain go can be taken to check whether the customer is good enough on his payments- 1. Check each companys credit history before extending credit. 2. Check how long the company has been in business. 3. Obtain Credit Reports as they show historical payment data bankruptcy records any
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